
Last activity: 17 Mar 2016 14:19 EDT
Jumping to a defined step of a defined stage through an activity
Hello Guys,
Is there a way to jump to a defined step of a defined stage through an activity?
We need to migrate data to Pega related to a specified step in the middle of the flow and we are facing issues reaching this step directly. Can you please advise?
Thanks in advance,
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Accepted Solution

In your assignment shape properties, you'll see under the "what else can I do" part, there's the option to give a ticket name.
Then later, in a uility shape, you can call the "SetTicket" activity and specify that ticket name. This allows you to effectively do a "goto" from one place to another. /Eric

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rosy, Good morning!
following spike options may help...
- raising ticket after changing the stage.
- referring to assignment insKeys to issue Open assignment by handle
- having Allowed Whens enabled on each assignment to skip the step so as to jump to particular assignment in specific stage
- [newAssignPage.<CurrentTaskName> matches with jump to assignment name].
- customization of PerformDefaults to learn the assignment name might needed.
Please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!

Pegasystems Inc.
for the first time - in straight through process - the when rule should be ignored.

Gd morning Phani. Thanks for your quick response!
I will check that and get back to u!
Have a nice day!

Hi Phani Sahukaru,
Can you please give me more details about option 1: "raising ticket after changing the stage" as I'm not familiar with it?
Thanks in advance,

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please check these PDN discussions if that can be of any help ?

Thanks Santanu for your quick response!
I will check that and get back to u!
Have a nice day!
Accepted Solution

In your assignment shape properties, you'll see under the "what else can I do" part, there's the option to give a ticket name.
Then later, in a uility shape, you can call the "SetTicket" activity and specify that ticket name. This allows you to effectively do a "goto" from one place to another. /Eric
Updated: 14 Mar 2016 11:57 EDT

Thank you Eric. This is very helpful for me.

Hello Eric Osman,
I have a stage containing 2 steps. On the first step, I have put a ticket called "SkipStepFlow" and I expect to jump to the 2nd step when I run the flow. But, I'm still at 1st step. Is there something missing?
Thanks a lot,

You mentioned your ticket but not the call to "SetTicket". (If any of you know a more formal way to jump to a ticket than by calling that SetTicket activity, please speak up). /Eric
Updated: 17 Mar 2016 5:06 EDT

Thank you Eric Osman for your quick response. However, this didn't work. I don't know if I'm missing something.
Please find below in details my scenario.
- I have a case called "TestCase2" containing a stage called "Case qualification" . This stage have 2 steps: Assign and Acknowledge.
- My requirement is to jump to Acknowledge step directly. So, I mentioned a ticket called "SkipStepFlow" at this shape as per below:
- In my activity, I called this ticket using SetTicket:
Thank you Eric Osman for your quick response. However, this didn't work. I don't know if I'm missing something.
Please find below in details my scenario.
- I have a case called "TestCase2" containing a stage called "Case qualification" . This stage have 2 steps: Assign and Acknowledge.
- My requirement is to jump to Acknowledge step directly. So, I mentioned a ticket called "SkipStepFlow" at this shape as per below:
- In my activity, I called this ticket using SetTicket:
- I have run this activity, and I refresh object "C-32", but, it didn't jump to Acknowledge. It remains in Assign. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance,

I'm not quite clear about how you "run this activity" and what "refresh" has to do with it.
I suggest that your activity that calls "SetTicket" be put in a utility shape in your flow logic at the place where you want to jump back to the ticket.

Thanks a lot Eric, what was missed is my step name in my activity in "Set Ticket " ... Thanks a lot for your response

Good work ! I’m glad you tracked it down. /Eric