Cox Communications
Last activity: 19 Jan 2017 15:54 EST
Issue with Utilities.getPropertyField
I am trying leverage Utilities.getPropertyField, this function always returning ""
although it has value at the property (fieldname) which is under the page(strPropertyName) , this page belongs to the class(classNameString)
anyone has any luck using this function?
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Veeranjan,
Based on our screen share realted to SR-B14007, the actual desired goal is to obtain a value of a property that you don't know until runtime. I was able to find an out of the box function that you can leverage.
I tested this and if you put the property into a string parameter defined in your Data Transform (I used DesiredPropropertyName) you can then call
Set .myRetreivedValue equal to @pxRuleManagement.pxGetPropertyValue(myStepPage, PARAM.DesiredPropertyName)
You may find that using an activity in conjunction with a decision tree or decision table another alternate solution.
Areteans Technology Solutions
Hi Veeranjan,
May i know the objective of using this function?
Cox Communications
I am trying to get the value of a property(Property A), but the name of the property(Property A) is coming from a value of another property(Property B).
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Veeranjan,
Not able to find the exact function details. But the below link is having discussion on getpropertyfield functions.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Veeranjan,
Utilities.getPropertyField(strClassName, strPropertyName, fieldName, tools) - used to fetch the metadata of the property from your class not the page.
For example : In my class "OZC7PD-CSSA-Work-Case1" i have an .Age property which is of type Integer. Now the above function should be used as follows will return the output pxInteger.
@Utilities.getPropertyField("OZC7PD-CSSA-Work-Case1",".Age","pyStreamName",tools) - returns pxInteger
FYR, attached the screenshot of the function result.
Cox Communications
Thank you very much for the response, is there any way I could achieve the behavior of getProperty() function in data transform?
Like I said above I am trying to get the value of a property(Property A) , but I dont have the name of the property, that name is coming as a value of other property , I have to get this in the data transform, for now I wrote a custom function, I am thinking is there any other way I could achieve without writing a custom function.
Thank You,
Veeranjan Bonthu.
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Veeranjan,
Based on our screen share realted to SR-B14007, the actual desired goal is to obtain a value of a property that you don't know until runtime. I was able to find an out of the box function that you can leverage.
I tested this and if you put the property into a string parameter defined in your Data Transform (I used DesiredPropropertyName) you can then call
Set .myRetreivedValue equal to @pxRuleManagement.pxGetPropertyValue(myStepPage, PARAM.DesiredPropertyName)
You may find that using an activity in conjunction with a decision tree or decision table another alternate solution.
Cox Communications
thank you very much it worked