
MKB Brandstof
Last activity: 13 Aug 2019 6:18 EDT
Issue with translation of Remaining characters
I'm trying to get the "Remaining: x characters" below a text area control translated.
I've tried to create a pyActionPrompt field value "Remaining characters" as advised in a topic on this forum, but it seems the text is hardcoded in pzpega_ui_template_textarea . If I change the text "Remaining:" here, the text below my text area is adjusted as well. I get the feeling that the text should be rendered from pzGenerateTextArea (where I can indeed see the pyActionPrompt field value).
Please advise how I can resolve this.
I'm running Pega 7.4 with Customer Service installed.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***