
Accenture Solutions Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 6 Nov 2018 20:02 EST
Interrogation & control not Match issues in Javaswing application in OpenSpan
I am trying to Automate Java Swing Application which is invoked through files (.bat in Path & javaw.exe in target Path in Windows Application properties).I am able to interrogate Controls & successfully matched while interrogating,Where as during Runtime Some below Errors are occurring & automation is taking time(no fixed time) to identify the controls.Actually am using Forloop for the whole Automation To repeat for the first iteration it is working fine & where as for the second Iteration it throws below Erros,even after trying match rules & putting WaitForCreate (With parameter ) & pause by putting some delay these errors are not getting resolved. Please provide some resolution.
The form "WindowsFormName" is disabled. This may be due to a modal dialog.
btnOk(Button)not Matched ,Cmb(DropDown) not matched.