
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 17 Jan 2018 17:26 EST
Interact with Robot running remotely.
Hi Team,
Is there any feasible way to interact with Robot running remotely by multiple users.
for example, Passing inputs to Robot for pressing and getting some set of data back.
Any thoughts ? Thanks.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Please proide more information, what are you trying to do exactly?

Tata Consultancy Services
Hi Grona,
I'm trying to get 8-10 fields information from Web app, by proving 2 input values to Robot.
I do not want to install runtime in every user's machine. Instead, I will make runtime available in a remote machine. Need to invoke Robot as and when user sends request for information.
Considering the response time is crucial factor and several users invoke the Robot, How can i achieve this efficiently ?
Note: My initial thought is, installing the out look in remote machine and sending mail with input parameters which will be read by Robot and reply to user. Not sure, if this is best way to do.

Pegasystems Inc.
This is a use case for the Robot Manager and Pega Case Management, however there are other ways. Since Pega Robotics by itself provides no infrastructure (i.e. no database or server you can use), you will need to provide that portion. Rather than email, you might use a network share where you save a file from the user's machine and have your RPA process monitor that folder and take action when new files are created (or periodically examine the folder and process the contents). These are just general ideas though. I would suggest you work with your account representative to get some services support as they can provide you the best solution after considering your specific use case and requirements.

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks Thomas. I will do that.
I have one query, The application from which i need to get data is not a Pega Application. You have mentioned, We need to use Robot Manager and PEGA Case Management ? I did not use Robot manager earlier. Can you please clarify.

Pegasystems Inc.
Pega Robot Manager (PRM) was specifically designed to handle providing work to RPA bots running on machines other than the ones a user is working on. Case Management would be required if you didn't want to use Pega Robotics to create the cases on their local machines. PRM triggers work for the RPA process on the creation of a case (or other triggers in a full case flow). If you are not already a Pega Platform user, then that would be a more longer term solution as it requires some planning and setup.

Tata Consultancy Services
In short, Do we need to create a CASE in PEGA for every user request and let the Robot manager handle them ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes. That is how it works. Somewhere along the case flow, there would be a step created to call a robotic automation. Usually, this occurs on case creation, but it could be anywhere in the flow.