
Commonwealth Bank
Last activity: 26 Dec 2019 8:30 EST
Integrating BOT and Pega to use Data Page for getting response from external system
We have a requirement in our project , where we need to get 50 to 100 record from external system and save that details to Pega Database.
We are using BOT to get details from external system. Currently BOT is converting that details as Json and setting that value to workpage class property. But our issue is that , that data is too large due to which we are facing in performance and data are not properly set on the property.
So we need some other way to do it. We saw that we can use savable datappage to get this detail by using Robotic automation as source.But we are not sure how to configure it from Pega and BOT side.
Our issue from Pega Side:
1. In the Flow , we are calling RobotQueue shape to queue workitem to BOT workbasket so that it can get details from external system. So if we use DataPage with source as Robotic Automation where should we refer this data page in flow, so that BOT can update the response.
2. what changes should be done in RPA side to update DataPage property as the class of data page is data class.