Last activity: 13 Feb 2019 16:24 EST
Increase max number of ACTIVE requestors
Our system is crashing in production where it reaches the max load on Monday between 10 am to 2 pm. On analysing the PegaRules and Alert logs found 2 major issues:-
1. Some of the DB queries getting timed out which probably keeping the threads occupied resulting in thread dumps.
2. Number of active requestors (1081) exceeds configured limit of 400.
The heap size configured is 8 GBs.
Can we improve the performance by increasing the number of active requestors. But where it is configured? I've seen in service package there is option but where to configure for the web requestors.
What else can be done to improve the performance during the max load?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****