IE: Text area appears with horizontal scroll bar
My application was upgraded from PRPC 62sp2 to Pega72.
We are using text area control which on entering data wrap next line with veritcal scroll bar in Firebox. however in IE it gives horizontal scroll and makes data entry annoying.
My application was upgraded from PRPC 62sp2 to Pega72.
We are using text area control which on entering data wrap next line with veritcal scroll bar in Firebox. however in IE it gives horizontal scroll and makes data entry annoying.
<pega:when test="$mode-input">
<SPAN nowrap>
<pega:include name="Messages"/>
<TEXTAREA SPELLCHECKENABLED="true" <pega:include name="ClientValidation"/> id="<pega:reference name="$THIS-DEFINITION(pyPropertyName)<%=indx%>" />"
name="<pega:reference name="$this-name" />"
style="border:1px solid #666666; height:60px;width:<pega:reference name="$save(strWidth)" />px; color: #333333; font-family: Arial; overflow:auto; " onpaste="return maxLengthPasteSingle(this,'<p:r n="Param.MaxLimit"/>','<%= indx %>')"
onkeyup="MaxLengthSingle(this,'<p:r n="Param.MaxLimit"/>','<%= indx %>')" oncut="checkCut(this,'<p:r n="Param.MaxLimit"/>','<%= indx %>')" onmousedown="checkMouseDown()" ><pega:reference name="$this-value" mode="normal" /></TEXTAREA>
<TEXTAREA SPELLCHECKENABLED="true" <pega:include name="ClientValidation"/> id="<pega:reference name="$THIS-DEFINITION(pyPropertyName)" />"
name="<pega:reference name="$this-name" />"
style="border:1px solid #666666; height:60px;width:<pega:reference name="$save(strWidth)" />px; background:#E8E8E8; color: #333333; font-family: Arial; overflow:auto; "
<pega:reference name="$save(overflowStyle)" />" readonly ><pega:reference name="$this-value" mode="text" /></TEXTAREA>
In IE:
In Firefox
What i have tried?
max-width: 100%;
overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: scroll;
Please share your thoughts.
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories***