IE Assembly reference equivalent to chrome.
Hi Guys,
Currently we have requirement to migrate from IE to Chrome,
In the existing code, we have many script components written in C# which uses assemblies specifically to IE like OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.Controls.WebControl. We are passing the entire "Div" for further processing to C# script as input type OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.Controls.WebControl.
The same assembly is not working in chrome if we pass the same "DIV" as input to C# script with input type OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.Controls.WebControl. In fact it was not allowing me to connect the data links for C# script as input. For chrome I changed the input type in C# script to OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebBase.Controls.WebControl and I was able to at least connect the data links which was accepted, but later on while processing the div and its children its giving an error "Unable to cast transparent proxy to type 'OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebBase.VirtualHtmlCollection'.
Is the assembly OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.Controls.WebControl in IE equivalent to OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebBase.Controls.WebControl in Chrome ?
TargetType property of DIV in Chrome is : OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.WebBase.Targets.VirtualHtmlElementTarget
TargetType property of DIV in IE is :OpenSpan.Adapters.Web.HtmlElement
Please assist.