
Last activity: 19 Jan 2024 2:24 EST
Idle time-out warning window (pxSessionTimer) is not working for web pages.
pxSessionTimer is embedded in the pyPortalHeader where it is displaying fine as expected when I launch the portal. Now, when I open the case from correspondence email Work link we don't see the timer popup although it is embedded in the pyCaseHeaderOuter and pyCaseMain as well. I've verified the DOM and noticed that this header and the section are loaded as expected and the label that is added for testing is also loaded. However, I don't see the Timer popup.
I understand that we need to include the portal header when we are displaying the correspondence and embed the pxSessionTimer in pyPortalHeader for UI KIT application and in UserHeader for theme cosmos.The reason for this is, pxSessionTimer will be loaded based on the portal header that is available in the screen. Hence, it is important to have the portal header. Since we are embedding this in CaseheaderOuter it is not displaying.
Even tried it with after customization instead of pxSessionTimer still unable to get the Idle-time out warning window in the Webpage opened using Work Link. Any solution for this?