
IBM India
Last activity: 14 Apr 2016 8:26 EDT
I am facing same issue as support artical after upgrade application to PegaPRPC 6.x to 7.1.9 ""
I am facing same issue as support artical after upgrade application to PegaPRPC 6.x to 7.1.9
I am facing same issue as support artical after upgrade application to PegaPRPC 6.x to 7.1.9
- Create an activity that loops through pxFlow page.
- Do obj-open-by-handle on every assignment found in the loop.
- Call this activity from the post action of a flow action.
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Pegasystems Inc.
The support article you highlighted talks about a solution. Have you tried that at your end ? What is the outcome ?

IBM India
I tried same's not working

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Samir,
The support article you referenced is for a case where an activity was being used to loop through the pxFlow pages. What is the scenario in your environment?
If you are seeing the internal assignment appear in the list of processes, then you will want to check if you have a custom version of the Work-. Flows section. The OOTB section has code to exclude system flows.
Updated: 13 Apr 2016 10:51 EDT

IBM India
Hi Carissa,
Same scenario as article. activity is looping pxFlow pages and validating if pxAssinmentKey is present then set as param. and same param value pass to Obj-Open-By-handle. same page i validated in clipboard pxsystemflow value is true. Still its failing while opening.
Samir Gohel
<Removed Contact Information>
Updated: 13 Apr 2016 10:51 EDT

IBM India
Hi Santanu,
Same scenario as article. activity is looping pxFlow pages and validating if pxAssinmentKey is present then set as param. and same param value pass to Obj-Open-By-handle. same page i validated in clipboard pxsystemflow value is true. Still its failing while opening.
Samir Gohel
<Removed Contact Information>

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Samir, Good morning!
could we learn the activity name? from where it triggering? screenshots?
Thank you!
Updated: 13 Apr 2016 10:52 EDT

IBM India
Hi Phani,
Please find screen shot. we can talk also if you are fine. 1) Activity UpdateExistingWO WithEmailDetails -2) Update assignmentstatus. Step 1.1 methos Obj-Open-By-Handle is failing. It is working fine in Pega PRPC 6.x. Issue with Pega PRPC.7.1.9
Samir Gohel
<Removed Contact Information>

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Samir,
You should add a precondition so you only open assignments where pxSystemFlow is false.

IBM India
Hi Carissa,
Thanks for reply.
Please clear below query.
1) In this condition pxSystemFlow value should be false/True?
2) Currently I am seeing pxSystemFlow value is true in clipboard?
Samir Gohel

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Samir,
The pxSystemFlow value will be true in this instance. My suggestion is that you do not open and modify those assignment instances. So if pxSystemFlow is true, skip the open step.

IBM India
Thank you Carissa,
Do we have any other work around to update that assignment status(pyAssignmentStatus)?
Samir Gohel

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Samir,
I am not aware of any other workarounds. It is a internal assignment that would not be assigned to a user. Is there a particular reason why you need to update these virtual assignments?