
Areteans Technology Solutions
Last activity: 12 Jan 2018 9:26 EST
How to upgrade additional marketing artifacts rule created during Rules schema out of place upgarade
As we know that main advantage of out of place upgrade to save downtime for atleast rule schema upgrade.
In our current project by end of this month we have to upgrade from base pega 7.1.7 to 7.3 and the pega marketing/NBAA from 7.12 to 7.22.
Now we plan to do out of place upgrade, for which we will be upgrading rules schema seperately out of place, however problem with I see here is during that time in production marketing people may choose to run campaigns for which pega will autogenerate many rules like Batchout class, data flows etc, so those won't get upgrarded. So how to take care of that, ?
Hope my problem statement was clear enough.