
Anthem Inc
Last activity: 25 Mar 2024 7:50 EDT
Pega Out Of place Upgrade - Data schema Rollback
We are working on out of place upgrade where we create new schemas for rules, data where we name them as Pegarules88, pegadata88 and old schema names are pegarules86 and Pegadata.
According to Pega's documentation pegadata88 is a temporary schema which will be used during upgrade process and applications will point to Pegadata schema once upgrade is complete where as rules schema will be pegarules88.
The question I have is on rollback where I can point to old rules schema but can I point my application to upgraded pegadata schema? There are chances where pegadata schema might have got altered with new changes and if we point to old rules schema we expect the system not to behave accurately. is that assumption right?
Is restoring the pegadata schema from backup is the only option? I don't see any documentation around the rollback on out of place upgrade. Please point me towards it if there are any.