
Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 22 Apr 2023 2:34 EDT
How to show required layout on Link Click?
Hi Everyone,
My Requirements is show the required on link click. Give me any Idea
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 22 Apr 2023 2:04 EDT

Bits in Glass
For eg- we will take totalappointments link action set.
To the DT,
1. paramter -> type
2. From the action set -> pass totalappointments as type
3. DT stops>
If type== totalappointments
. IsTotalappointments= true
4. Before step 3,
Set all the flags to false. Eg:- IsTodaysappointments=false
and set all other flags to false.
So first DT sets all flags to false. Then based on type, DT will set the particular flag to true

Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 on clicking link, you want to show required symbol in some other place?
Nagarjuna Saidu

Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 then, drag and drop a image control to the section->
icon source-> image
Imagine-> required star
Now you can use a flag to decide when this should be visible and not visible

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna ""All My Appointments" and it's table visible after clicking on Link of "Total Appointments" i.e "19". If I was clicked on Link of "Today's Appointments" i.e "1" then All my Appointments and its table was hidden and shows Today's Appointments its table having 1 Record. Please check below images

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu Okay, do you have 5 tables for those 5 different context(Total appointments, today's app, yest app)?
If yes, then on click of different link keep a flag. For eg:- IsTotalAppoinmentVisibletrue, IsTodaysAppointmentVisibletrue, etc etc...
On click of link->
1. Refresh-section(Call DT with this)
In DT-> Set flag to true. Use same DT for all and pass param from action set. So when you are setting one flag to true, all other flag should be false.
Nagarjuna Saidu

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna How to Keep a Flag?

Bits in Glass
@NagarjunaS16644648 you can create 5 boolean properties. Istotalappointmentsflag, Istodayappointmentflag, like that 5 properties. These properties act as flag. You need to logically set it to true/false. If true, that particular table will only be visible and at a time only one property/flag will be true.
Nagarjuna Saidu

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna Can you tell me how to write data transfer for this?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 22 Apr 2023 2:04 EDT

Bits in Glass
For eg- we will take totalappointments link action set.
To the DT,
1. paramter -> type
2. From the action set -> pass totalappointments as type
3. DT stops>
If type== totalappointments
. IsTotalappointments= true
4. Before step 3,
Set all the flags to false. Eg:- IsTodaysappointments=false
and set all other flags to false.
So first DT sets all flags to false. Then based on type, DT will set the particular flag to true
Nagarjuna Saidu

Hopkins Software Pvt. Ltd.
@Anoop Krishna Thank You Very much Anoop Krishna. Its working I Think Step 3. is DT steps right
Anoop Krishna

Bits in Glass
@Nagarjuna Saidu Awesome. Ya my bad, its DT steps not stops
Nagarjuna Saidu