how to show hyperlink/link in export to excel
how to show hyperlink/link in export to excel?
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@Md Seeraz - In report definition rule in the column level we have a gear icon and there we can add custom link control. In the data access of report definition rule uncheck "Ignore formatting when exporting to excel"
Hi Priyanka,
Thank you for the answer, however the "export to excel" is not directly from the report definition. In my application in a section I see the report is displaying the records , source of the table is a report definition. And in the section there is a button "Export" on click of which it exports the result to an excel. Here I have tried to format the cells for a column and it is working in the excel sheet, but when I'm exporting that excel from the Pega section this is not creating as a link to that specific column.
@Md Seeraz - Can you verify the binary template file referred in activity which will be called during excel generation. Try adding the formatting for that column in the binary template file to link and verify the use case.
Thank you.
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