
Last activity: 10 May 2017 8:55 EDT
How to save as circumstanced rule to base rule in higher version
How to save as circumstanced rule to base rule in higher version (I don't need circumstanced rule anymore, So I need to make circumstanced rule from '01-01-01' version to base rule '01-01-02').
Message was edited by: Marissa Rogers - added category
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Updated: 31 May 2016 13:10 EDT

Process 360

Thanks Bhanu,
Did same thing, But still it showing as Circumstanced. Is there anyway to change the appearance.

Can you block the circumstanced rule and check?

Just tried, but no luck.

EvonSys LLC
Hi Venkata,
I don't think you can make the circumstanced version of the rule as a base rule.
If you want to stop the circumstanced rule (eg: 01-01-10) from getting called, you have to save-as the default (non-circumstanced) rule to a higher version (eg: 01-01-11), and make it a base rule as shown by Bhanu.
However you have to keep in mind that making the default rule as base rule will prevent all the circumstanced instances of that rule below the new higher version (eg: 01-01-11) of the default rule.

I have a query. In case there is a Circustance Template in 03-90-01 Version and I do a save as of the same rule and Add another property its throwing some exceptions. Is it because cant we change the Circumstance template once created and referred so i need to create another Circumstance Template with a different name
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sunil,
In order to increase the visibility to your question, we have created a new post for you. Please continue the discussion in the new post!
Exceptions related to circumstanced rule
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Synechron Inc
i had same issue.i deleted the circumstanced rule and clicked on specialized by circumstance and removed the circumstance and created the rule