How to save case data to a Pega datatype via Constellation OOTB create method?
Using Constellation 24.1. I have a datatype ABC-AppName-Data-ActivityLog. There is a savable data page for this datatype and I have made it the default savable DP in the datatype settings. This savable DP is using the Database Save option and I have created DT to handle getting data from case to add to the ActivityLog record. I have sourced a table on the Interaction case using List DP for same datatype. I have configured the Add (Create) option for this table. When I execute the add on the table, the Create UI is displayed and I fill in all the values and submit. The submit is successful - a new ActivityLog is created. However, the reference to pyWorkPage in the DT for the Database Save operation is not getting the value I need from the case. If I hardcode a value in the DT, this is working. I cannot seem to reference the work page. How to get value from work page to datatype using the OOTB add method?