
Last activity: 16 Jan 2019 17:00 EST
How Rule Cache and Rules assembly cache works when an activity runs?
This is how I understand Rule cache and Rule assembly cache works when an activity runs -
1) Pega determines the appropriate version to run thorough rule resolution and tries to find that instance in rule cache , if not found then loads it from database. (Is the instance in rules cache equivalent to compiled version? then below points are irrelevant..)
2) Now, an activity runs by executing corresponding java code. So, from the rule instance found from rule cache/loaded from rule table, PEGA assembles the java code to determine the class name and uses the class name to check in rules assembly cache whether compiled code already exists or not. If exists, executes that instance.
3) If not found, then tries to find the compiled class file in hard disk. If found, classloader loads it and execute.
4) If compiled version not found, then code is compiled before being executed.
And how VTable fits in steps 2,3,4??
I have gone through many posts, but no where I found the difference between Rule cache and Rules assembly cache mentioned clearly. So, I have collated here what I understood.
Please confirm if my understandings are correct or not.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****