
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
How to Reply on top of The mail as a mailchain using outlook Connector?
I'm able to find the mail, after that i have to "replyall" on top of that mail.To achieve this i have followed the below process in FindAndReply.png image.
But I'm getting microsoftoutlook error message that "Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups". and the existing mail is getting overwritten
Could you please help on this?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
On reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved with the below explanation.
Pega does not visibly alter Outlook in any way while using the Outlook connector. And to reply all with the contents of the original message, you must grab the strings (subject, body, etc) before the replyall method.
Thank you,

Pegasystems Inc.
Which recipients are being listed under the failure? Are there any exceptions being thrown in the Studio/Runtime logging?

I'm able to send a mail now but the reply is not sent as a mail chain, it is going as a fresh mail.
If we are sending an attachment then the reply is being sent as a mail chain.
I probably think this would be a bug. Could you please check and confirm?

Pegasystems Inc.
Open this issue as an SR, reference this post in the description; Support will review the implementation to see if there's a product issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please let us know the SR number created so that we may track it within this post.

Fifth Third Bank
As per your screenshot (FindandReply.png), you are using microsoftOutlookMailProxy1.Body to set the body of the email. this will remove the previous email data.
Instead of this, try to concatenate then new string to existing message body and then assign the whole text to email body.
Hope this will help you.

I tried with concatenating the mail body , but the format is completely changing.

I am also facing the same issue. When I concatenate the old body to the new body, it also loses all the headers like the From, To, Date that are in the original mail. Please help

SR-C1797 has been opened for this

Pegasystems Inc.
When automating email you need to think like you are working with Outlook yourself. When you choose Reply All, what happens? A new email opens with a copy of your email and the recipients listed. The same thing happens when you choose the Reply All method. The result output from this method is an email. You need to extract a proxy from the result and perform any edits to it. In the example originally provided, the original poster is operating on the original email not the output of the Reply All.
The second problem is most likely an issue with concatenating text to the body without respect for the body format setting. The Body Format property can be plain text, rich text or html. Depending on how this value is set, your concatenate will yield different results. Again, the best way to understand what is happening is to try the steps in Outlook and observe what happens.

Jeff....thank you very much for your response. Please find attached the document, with the details of the automation, source mail and the replyall mail (both via automation and manual)
I had already tried checking the the bodyFormat of the replyAll mail and it is mentioned as olFormatHTML. I had tried concatenating to both the HTML Body and the Body, and I do not get the desired output.
Please let me know on how this can be corrected
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
On reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved with the below explanation.
Pega does not visibly alter Outlook in any way while using the Outlook connector. And to reply all with the contents of the original message, you must grab the strings (subject, body, etc) before the replyall method.
Thank you,

Does this mean that this is a bug in the product. Is there no way that we can retain the formatting of the original mail, when using a reply all. The SR has been closed without a solution being provided. So is this issue going to be addressed in a new version of the production. Please let me know

Pegasystems Inc.
The body with HTML formatting is found in the HTMLBody property. You need to include your changes inside on the HTML tags - not append the current body to your reply. I am looking for a way to show you but there is some info on this online here.

Jeff.....I did try using the HTMLBody, but that did not work as expected. May be I am missing something trivial, any information that you can provide would help us tremendously.

Jeff.. As mentioned in the link, I tried creating a new mail by setting the bodyFormat as HTML and adding HTML. Then I did a replyall to this HTML mail. Still I see that the HTML formatting in the replyAll mail is lost. PFA the screen-shots. I am not sure what I am missing here, please help

Westpac Banking Corporation
HTMLBody is returning string and it is not in HTML format.
for ex:
This is bot mail. (original mail)
The HTMLBody returns like Hi, This is bot mail instead of Hi, <p> This is <b>bot</b> mail.
So, It won't work.

Pegasystems Inc.
After much research, the simplest way to solve this is to change the Body format to olFormatPlain before you do the ReplyAll. Retaining HTML formatting is not easy. First you have to get the Html source which is not readily available and then you have to insert your text into the Html at the proper place. This may not be easy if the email contains much formatting.
Changing the BodyFormat fixes all of that.
Kuresh Rahmanian

Thanks Jeff....I tried setting the BodyFormat to Plain on the mailItem and then using that to get the body. But the moment I set the bodyFormat to Plain, it changes the format of the original mailiitem and says, "Extra line breaks in this message were removed". And the color formatting is removed.
So, instead I am not setting the bodyFormat, but directly getting the HTML from the mail Item as below, and the HTML formatting is retained.
But with both approaches, I will have to extract and the added the headers (like From, To, Sent On,etc) and add them manually.
Please let me know if this is the only way, or if you have a sample automation which I can refer to
Please find attached the details with the screen-shots