
Last activity: 20 May 2021 1:08 EDT
How to replace confirm harness on first assigment without pyStartCase
Since Pega 8.5, pyStartCase flow is not used anymore. So there is no Case Creation Settings on the flow anymore.
Then, how do I manage to change the harness displayed to my users when the first assignment of the case is not assigned to them ?
I have a use case where the first assignment of the case is assigned to a workbasket, not accessible to my user, and I want a specific harness displayed to user, not the default Confirm. I could change the confirm harness, but it would impact the whole process while I want this change only on the first assignement of the case/flow.
Any way to do this in 8.5 ?
I did it very easily on 8.4 using pyStart case "Case creation settings" and very desappointed we lost of feature on the new version of the platform.
Thanks for your help.