
Last activity: 21 Nov 2019 1:48 EST
How to pass comma separated values with double quotes as a parameter to Data Page
Hi all,
We are using Pega 7.2.2 and my requirement is to pass comma separated values with double quotes as a single parameter to a Data Page eg- "ABC", "DEF". I was able to append the values dynamically and form a string like "\"ABC\",\"DEF\"" and store it in a property. It is stored as "ABC", "DEF" but when it is passed to a Data Page, I see that in the tracer it is getting passed as ""ABC", "DEF"" which is causing problem to me. I mean it is adding double quote in the beginning and the end.
Working Scenario - I had similar requirement earlier where I had to pass the same way to autocomplete but in that case the value was a constant and I was able to directly mention it in the parameter(screenshot for reference) like "\".pdf\",\".png\"". and when I checked the Tracer it gets passed as ".pdf",".png" which was working.
Any help or pointers will be much appreciated.
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