How to parse html content in the email body?
Is there any way to parse the email body content (in html format) ? The email is processed using a Service email rule. The pega version used is 6.1sp2.
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Is there any way to parse the email body content (in html format) ? The email is processed using a Service email rule. The pega version used is 6.1sp2.
Hi Meera,
The 'Email Listener' component in PRPC should already handle the text components of HTML emails - I believe it just maps the text of the HTML to a PRPC property - in the same way a text-based email is handled.
Can you provide a little more outline of what you need to achieve here ?
Hi John,
The requirement is as follows:
1) create work object based on the email content
2) create work objects based on the attachment (an unknown file format) within an email .
3)display the content of the attachment "as is" to the user . (such as in a flow action)
Req # 1 was achieved by mapping the content of the email to a clipboard property.
For Req 2
The method followed was:
a)use service email to process the email
b) decode the value in pyAttachmentPage as it holds the attachment data in encoded format.
c)to decode the file content(i.e the attachment within the email ) I used OOTB function - @Base64Decode .
d)the content of the file was available but the format was lost. To parse the content , I am taking sub strings as the entire content is available in a single line.
For Req 3
a) display the content with the help of a paragraph rule.
The queries are:
1)is there a way to preserve the format of the content(of the attachment with the email) while decoding?
2)is there a better way to achieve Req #2
Hi Meera,
Try below for your requirement 1.
1)is there a way to preserve the format of the content(of the attachment with the email) while decoding?
- Use RichTextEditor Control while displaying the email Content on the Screen, it will preserve the HTML formatting of email content.
Hi Meera,
Please also include the details of your email server / version etc
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