
Last activity: 8 Mar 2017 4:43 EST
How to Migrate System Queue Items in 6.X to 7.X upgrade ?
Hi All
We are trying to Upgrade form Pega 6.2 to Pega 7.1.8. As a process we have migrated the rules , now we have to migrate the Pega 6 data to Pega 7. As a data migration objective we have to transfer all the closed and inflight cases from Pega 6.2 to Pega 7.1.8.
We are wondering how the Pega OOTB SLA Queue Items will be transferred to Pega 7 and we have some specific questions
1. We have various Apps running under the same 6.2 environment and they use the system ques (System-Queue-DefaultEntry). What is the best approach to identify Queues specific to our Application?
2. We did notice inside queue entry blob we have a property which holds the Current NODE URL. Do we have to update the NODE URL to Pega 7 URL?
3. We are planning to copy our App specific queues from System-Queue-DefaultEntry only as we don’t have App specific Queue Tables. Is there any more table or instance we should be considering ?