How to manage the queued activity?
I'm using "Queue Activity" method to call an Activity, but I don't know where can manage the queued activity.How to deal with the queued activity?
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I'm using "Queue Activity" method to call an Activity, but I don't know where can manage the queued activity.How to deal with the queued activity?
When you use queue method, the activity will run in background and hence you can not trace the activity and you can not manage. The only way to debug the activity is use Log-Message method and verify the logs.
Thank you for your answer.
But when I trace the queued activity, There are steps in Tracer.
And If the queued activity has error, I only have to view the log file?
In tracer setting check "Asynchronous Activity " check box and run main activity and trace it.You can able to see the queued activity step in green color. On click of step in green color you will able to see the parameters passed to the queue activity and a window of new tracer of blank will be opened
Queue activity runs on child batch so we cannot predict the rule execution and also primary page doesnot apply to the queued activity.
Thank you for your answer.
Now I don't choose Activity type->Asynchronous in the queued Activity and Tracer don't check"Asynchronous Activity "checkbox.When I run the main Activity, this Activity can be traced and have steps in Tracer. I can also see that the queued activity runs on different requestor. So Is this activity running asynchronously?
Second, Can the queued Activity be managed?
If this Activity can't be managed, Can Queue Management only manage Agent?
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