instasmart software solutions
Last activity: 16 Sep 2024 6:00 EDT
How to insert Data-Content-Image instance in Word Document
Hi All,
I have a requirement to generate a QR Code and attach it to the Word document( I'm creating the Word documents by passing the word template as a param to the pxGenerateAndAttachDocument).
I have created QR as an Image in the Data-Content-Image class and added it in the UI to verify whether it's correct. I'm able to scan and view the information in it.
The problem is inserting the QR code as an image in the Word document, I have tried these tags to display but none of them are useful.
1. <pegaref config={"name":"QRCorrespondence","type":"C"}> (I have inserted HTML(Code to retrieve the image) section in the correspondence.
2. <img src='<pega:contentURL name="21F57624E6EDBA5EB87D79E682395AC3C1C43D1C.png" path="/qrcode/" classType="Image" />' >
3. {pega:insert Corr=QRCorrespondence!}
See the attachments.
Please suggest how to insert the Data-Content-Image instance in the Word document.
Using 8.7.6 v
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Case INC-B33227 tags***