
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 11 Nov 2016 5:50 EST
How to import multiple raps in prpc
I have to import around 6 different RAP's and every time i reset my machine i have to reimport all of them again one by one.. Waiting for each of them to complete
Do we have any OOTB way of importing all the raps in a specific order..
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Avinash,
You can make use of the prpcutils tool available in the PRPC distribution scripts folder for the import of the RAP's. You can configure the tool to the database and import the RAP

Morgan Stanley
Thanks Basavaraj.
Can you direct me to any documentation on the prpc utils.

Morgan Stanley
Below are a couple of ways import can be done:
1. DesignerStudio -> Distribution -> Import
2. Command Line
3. Rest service. Migrate wizard..
4. Ant file
5. Any licenced tool like HP ITG tool for migration
6. prpc v5 utilitites -- prDBUTils
Courtesy: Phani Sahukaru

Morgan Stanley
Found some info about prpcUtils in the below link:

Pegasystems Inc.
Multiple archives can be imported from prpcUtils by a comma seperated list. Please make sure that absolute(not relative) paths are mentioned for all archives.
Eg:- import.archive.full.path=C:/,D:/imports/,C:/ ... (And the order is from left-to-right)

Morgan Stanley
Thanks Harish.
Can we execute any SQL scripts using the prpcUtils... I have a requirement to execute some alter statements as soon as i import some raps and then proceed with the import of rest of RAP's

Virtusa IT Consulting
I don't think you can run SQL scripts from prpcUtils, and adding to what Harish has mentioned you need to make sure to set the property import.mode as 'import.mode=import' in file. However default setting would have 'import' itself, you can probably double check that.

when i gave multiple RAP file paths to the ./ importPegaArchive --archivePath /test_zips/,/test_zips/,/test_zips/
like this, I have facing that those RAP's are not followed the order given , those are imported randomly.
Can u suggest what the approach has to follow to get the correct order.
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venu,
To get your question more visibility, we have created a new post for you! Please update that and continue your discussion.
Importing multiple RAP files in the sequence defined
Hope to see you around the Community!
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.