
Last activity: 27 Jun 2017 8:37 EDT
How to handle inflight cases when restructuring the flows
Is there any way we can handle inflight cases when restructuring the flows. As part of our project requirement we are breaking big flows into sub flows. Now comes preflight cases , after change we will have issues with inflight cases. Please suggest what is the best way to handle this scenario.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Below article explains about upgrading production flows.
Let us know if you need more information.

Hi Rawap,
Thanks for the reply. After reviewing the options
Approach 1: Create distinct flow rules, either by choosing new flow names or by circumstancing, leaving the old flow ones as they are.
In my case we already have a flow called X and circumstance version of X based on interaction type in the system. Is it advisable to add circumstance for both X and X (circumstance) based on effective date. If yes when we can remove the old flows at what stage we can do this clean up...if we are not able to do it then again flows looks clumpsy and many to maintain.. Please advice....
Approach 2: (In the updated flow rules, leave all the old flow wait points unchanged. (Assignment, Subprocess, Split-for-each). Drag these shapes off to one side.
To ensure that flow processing does not drop these shapes when the flow rule is saved, add a placeholder ticket that connects to these shapes. Keep their outgoing connectors intact.
Hi Rawap,
Thanks for the reply. After reviewing the options
Approach 1: Create distinct flow rules, either by choosing new flow names or by circumstancing, leaving the old flow ones as they are.
In my case we already have a flow called X and circumstance version of X based on interaction type in the system. Is it advisable to add circumstance for both X and X (circumstance) based on effective date. If yes when we can remove the old flows at what stage we can do this clean up...if we are not able to do it then again flows looks clumpsy and many to maintain.. Please advice....
Approach 2: (In the updated flow rules, leave all the old flow wait points unchanged. (Assignment, Subprocess, Split-for-each). Drag these shapes off to one side.
To ensure that flow processing does not drop these shapes when the flow rule is saved, add a placeholder ticket that connects to these shapes. Keep their outgoing connectors intact.
This way, new work objects never reach these outdated shapes, but the work objects at older assignments will still follow the same path.
At some point later, you can run a report that checks whether the old assignments are no longer in use. If so, you can then remove the flow wait points in the next version of the flow.)
This looks ok but what is wait points we are actually referring here. Can you give me more details about this approach.
Thanks in advance..
ramakrishna a

Pegasystems Inc.
Approach 2 : Wait points here corresponds to any shape where flow stops for manual intervention e.x. Assignment. Other shapes like Utility are automated in the sense that flow does not stop there and they are automatically finished. Since all of the work objects in production will be stopped at assignments, idea is to keep those shape as it is in flow (remove incoming connectors) and keep outgoing connectors to new shapes.

Hi Rawap,
Thanks for the clarification. Regarding Approach 1
Approach 1: Create distinct flow rules, either by choosing new flow names or by circumstancing, leaving the old flow ones as they are.
(In my case we already have a flow called X and circumstance version of X based on interaction type in the system. Is it advisable to add circumstance for both X and X (circumstance) based on effective date. If yes when we can remove the old flows at what stage we can do this clean up...if we are not able to do it then again flows looks clumpsy and many to maintain.. Please advice....)

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, you can circumstance both on dates. And cleanup can be done only when you are sure there are no inflight cases running with old flows. In fact this is true with most of the approaches you take. Even with approach 2, you need to cleanup flows some day.
May i also know which Pega version are you on and are you trying to adapt Stage based case management?
ramakrishna a

Hi Rawap,
Thanks for the reply. We are using 7.1.6 pega version and using Stage based case management.

Pegasystems Inc.
Great :) Let us know if you need any other information :)