how to give container formats in flow action or harness
Hi ,
I am giving custom container formats in sections , i want to map the same way in my harness or flow action , how can i achieve this.?
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Hi ,
I am giving custom container formats in sections , i want to map the same way in my harness or flow action , how can i achieve this.?
Hi Pavanir,
Referring the same section in Harness or FlowAction should work.
Please provide screen shot for further triage.
Hi Ujjwal,
PFA screen shot. I want to make whole screen white instaed of grey. I have my container at section level but above that i have tabbedscreen flow harness.
Please scroll the image to complete right side to see Live UI output.
Hi There,
Sorry for the late response!!
You have large portion in grey just because you don't have enough content.
You can try adjusting the size of dynamic layout by having a nonautogenerated section with a empty span of specified/adjustable size.
I tried the scenario in 7.3.1. Applying the below css helped achieve the required color.
.workarea-flex .workarea-view-scroll-wrapper, .workarea-flex .workarea-view-content-enable-scroll {
background-color: white !important;
I have added this in UserWorkForm.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
I think you need to style it on the portal end. The portal would call a harness and in the harness there would be screen layout. In the center of the screen layout is the action area. Please set appropriate color for the same from the skin rule.
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