Last activity: 2 Nov 2017 8:49 EDT
how to customize the UI layout of a question in PegaSurvey?
We are using PegaSurvey 71ML3
In our survey, there are "system notes" between the questions. The "system notes" are implemented as simple questions with question mode set to "Show display text only". See attached screenshot.
As you can see, these "System Notes" use the width reserved for question text. (out of box, that is 50%, and answers use the other 50% of the available space)
We want the system notes to use 100% of the width available so that it would take less vertical space.
My idea is to check the "Mode" of the question. If the Mode is "display", i.e. if no answer is expected, then customize some OOTB PegeSurvey stream rule so that this "question" would use 100% width for question display; and no space for answers.
However, I am having trouble finding such a rule that I can customize. All I can find is section rule "BuildQuestionStream" which calls "tools.getStream()" to generate the stream for the question.
So how does PRPC engine generate the html stream for Simple Questions? Which rule can I customize to achieve what we want here?