
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Posted: Jan 18, 2017
Last activity: Feb 6, 2017
Last activity: 6 Feb 2017 6:35 EST
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Hi All,
Could any one please help in creating the WB by using the activity.
1) Users pass the WB name as Parameter
2) Then the activtiy should create the new WB
Thanks in Advance
Accepted Solution
Hi ,
You can use CreateWorkBasket activity and can pass required workbasket param.
Try CreateWorkBasket activity.
Thank you, this was worked for me
Accepted Solution
Hi ,
You can use CreateWorkBasket activity and can pass required workbasket param.
Hi Raghuveer,
It is not a good practise to create Pega's rule / Data instances in run time. But at times we will still end up with such interesting requirements.
In such cases, rule authoring is the best way to do it.
1) Workbaskets are basically data instances of class Data-Admin-Workbasket.
2) So have a template workbasket rule that contains the common data / dummy data that can be used by the system during run time. Meaning in run time the system is going to use this instance and modify certain elements of the instance to create a new Workbasket instance likehaving specific roles, change in Div, unit.
3) Save the new instances and now you have a new WB instance ready to be assingned to an operator.
Ratan Balaji.
Hi thank you for the support, yeah for the work around did the same thank you again
Question Solved
Question Solved
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