
Last activity: 17 Feb 2023 4:23 EST
How to create a chart/table showing number of steps case went through
I have a case with a simple workflow where in happy path case is opened, then actioned and resolved and optionally the case might be kicked back to requestor for more information or to other Ops team to provide more information before resolution is possible. I want to be able to report on number of steps a case goes through.
So in happy path I have only 2 step Opening the case, and actioning/resolving the case but in some other cases it might be 4 e.g. opening, actioning, getting more info from requestor, actioning again, or even more depending on number of back and forth between stakeholders.
I'm looking to show chart that would show number of cases that had 2, 4, 6,8 etc touch points, and table that shows list of cases with number of touch points so that we can analyze what is driving back and forths between stakeholders
Can this be created in Pega 8.7 in the reporting section as end user of application (I'm don't have access to app or dev studios for this application)