How to create an Authentication service that maps Org/Div/Unit from the LDAP distinguished name?
I have already configured the authentication service WebLDAP1. However I cannot complete the Operator ID attribute mapping because our LDAP servers (MS Active Directory) does not have attributes that can directly map to Org, Div and Unit.
Our Active Directory does reflect our organizational chart but the structure is only available in the LDAP hierarchy. For example, our users have the following fully distinguished name:
CN=testAccount, OU=dept1, OU=division1, DC=company, DC=com
So we do have the organizational information for the Org, Div and Unit as follows:
Org ->
Div -> division1
Unit -> dept1
However these information are not available as LDAP "attributes" themselves.
How can we configure an Authentication service to use the LDAP hierarchy to map the account to the correct Operation ID?