How to Change Multi Select Token Size
We have a multi-select control that allows the user to select a number of options - each of these options consists of 'longish' text e.g. "Request New Site Security Pass".
The issue we are experiencing is that when the selected options are displayed as the lozenges, they are limited in size, with the text being truncated followed by an ellipsis. e.g. "Request New Sit...". We want to be able to display the entire text without truncation.
We have tried changing the multi-select component in the application skin by adding appropriate CSS elements. This seems to work ok when viewed within the skin but isn't working when being rendered in the portal. Inspecting the CSS of element shows that there is a max-width attribute set to 150px within the .token-content CSS class, which I assume is generated somewhere in the application as I can't locate it in any rules/data in the system.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
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