
Last activity: 21 Apr 2017 8:10 EDT
how cases can be prioritized in each workbasket.example based on Case creation date,dollar amount
We have a requirement where cases should be prioritized in each workbasket based on Case creation date,dollar amount and more criteria.
I think we need to cuztomize get next work .Please let me know if anyone have any idea,
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Pegasystems Inc.
I think you are right that you are going to have to customize get next work. Are you pulling from those different workbaskets with one press of GNW? If so, you'll need to figure out how to prioritize the values in the different baskets as well, so the logic could get fairly complicated fairly quickly. If you are just displaying the workbaskets individually and want them presorted, there are a number of ways you could do that too, which is much more straightforward.

HI MIke,
Thanks for response:-
I am pulling the case in this scenerio.In our application when we hit the get next work basically we get from workgroup and each workgroup have WB attached to it and we have implemented that in past .Now buisness wants that when user hits get next, cases should be priotrised in WB based on below logic.
cases should be prioritized in each workbasket relative to:-
Case creation date
Dollar amount
Customer timezone for outbound call workbaskets/groups.

Pegasystems Inc.
So there is only one workbasket? That keeps things simpler. So basically, you want to get a list of items sorted based on creation date, subsorted by dollar amount, for all the items from the same date. At this point, you'r just doing basic sorting and I'm pretty sure you can do that with a report definition to get the list of oldest items with the highest dollar amount at the top of the list. Reporting is not my area of expertise, so I will allow someone who knows more about that to chime in. The customer timezone can be a bit more tricky. Presumably, you want the outbound call to only go to a customer during acceptable hours. For that you may need to iterate through the list until you find a customer who's in an acceptable time. Depending on your specific needs, this could be fairly complex (are the regulatory requirements different from time zone to time zone, for example). Once you have an item that seems valid, you'll want to get the lock/confirm it's still available for work. If it is, assign it to the operator so they can process the call. If it's not, go to the next item in the list.

I think get-next-work is designed for customization. I suggest you search pdn for articles about that, and also look at the code itself for extension points and for reports and activities that are non-final. Also, keep in mind as you customize it that you have the choice of filtering and sorting your results AFTER the query has returned the set of results, or filtering by modifying the query itself, which means either modifying an obj-browse in the code or a report rule that the code calls. /Eric

Hi Eric,
I was going through couple of doc and i was not very sure what to modify.Can you help me in understanding what needs to be modified.

I am pulling the case in this scenerio.In our application when we hit the get next work basically we get from workgroup and each workgroup have WB attached to it and we have implemented that in past .Now buisness wants that when user hits get next, cases should be priotrised in WB based on below logic.
cases should be prioritized in each workbasket relative to:-
Case creation date
Dollar amount
Customer timezone for outbound call workbaskets/groups.

>>> I was going through couple of doc and i was not very sure what to modify.Can you help me in understanding what needs to be modified.
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