How can i change step in stage?
Hi all,
I want to change my step in current stage. For example, Step 2 is my current step, I want to go Step 1. How it is possible?
- Stage 1
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
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Hi all,
I want to change my step in current stage. For example, Step 2 is my current step, I want to go Step 1. How it is possible?
@Narender Lakshetty Thank you for your reply,
I did not find this activity "pxRestartStage". our version is 7.1.7
@RecoD In general Flow is a representation of Process/Step. Flow can be triggered by using Work-startFlow OOTB activity. This helps to jump from one flow to another flow. This executes on Work Object.
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