How to call a datapage in data transform.?????
How to call a datapage in data transform.?????I need expression..
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How to call a datapage in data transform.?????I need expression..
you can mention that DPage in pages and classes tab and you can refer the same in your step.
Please revert back to me if you need any further information.
Hai VershikaP,
Can you explain your use case to why you want to call the DataPage in DataTransform expression.
If you don't want to call the DataPage in Expression then use the following procedure.
1) First you have to define that data page and DataPage class in pages and classes Tab.
2) Take "Set" Action, give target property and use source as the following syntax.
Hai VershikaP,
Can you explain your use case to why you want to call the DataPage in DataTransform expression.
If you don't want to call the DataPage in Expression then use the following procedure.
1) First you have to define that data page and DataPage class in pages and classes Tab.
2) Take "Set" Action, give target property and use source as the following syntax.
D_CustomerDetails is my DataPage.
ContactNumber is required parameter for the DataPage.
Param.CN is the value of ContactNumber.
I am getting FirstName Value by passing ContactNumber to the DataPage.
You say that "ContactNumber" is the required parameter and "Param.CN" is the value of parameter ContactNumber. Why there is a reference ("." in "Param.CN")? And what does it mean?
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