
Last activity: 10 Apr 2019 2:21 EDT
How to call the data page from data transform?
Can you please tell me how to call the data page from data transform?
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J.P. Morgan Services India PVT Ltd
I guess we do not have option to use data page into a data transform,
Other than that you can use the same in an activity, you can use the method name
Thank you

EPAM Systems, Inc.
Hi kiranp01,
Thanks for posting on PSC.
You could directly use "Set" method in the data transform rule.
Action: Set
Target: Your Page/PageList were you want to store the content of DataPage.
Source: D_YourDataPageName[Param1:ParamValue1,Param2:ParamValue2]
You can use "." operator as D_YourDataPageName[Param1:ParamValue1,Param2:ParamValue2].YourPropertyValue to fetch specific property and accordingly, you have to change the "Target"
Hope it answers your question, kindly notify if it does by marking this post as answered for larger Pega audience and tracking purposes.
Lokesh Chowdary Vemula Su Zhu Raghavendra Peddabudi Pavani Kunamalla Divya Aluri and 12 More

J.P. Morgan Services India PVT Ltd
we need to have the check box enabled "reload once per interaction" under load management tab of the data page.
As it will forcefully enable the invocation of new content of Data page.
Divya Aluri

Thanks Asif.
But we do need to give the Param1 and Param2 under the Parameters tab in the "D_YourDataPageName" right?

Pegasystems Inc.
If you want to load a datapage asynchronously use Load-Datapage method or Call-Async-Activity method in an activity.Or else you can load a Datapage from a datatransform by simply referring the datapage name in a step in datatransform.
Srinivasa Rao

Hi Chandra,
When we store the value from a Datapage into some other property using DT. Will the Datapage be available in clipboard. If not else when does the datapage gets uploaded to the clipboard?
Hi Chandra,
When we store the value from a Datapage into some other property using DT. Will the Datapage be available in clipboard. If not else when does the datapage gets uploaded to the clipboard?
Anusha Panuganti Satya Swaroop Dev S V P K H

Barclays US
Hi Kiran,
Just call Update Page and write the data page name. The data page would be loaded whenever it is referenced.
Anusha Panuganti Sivaranjani Sivagurunathan

Pegasystems Inc.
You can set the Source as D_DatapageName[ParameterRequired:.ParameterPassing] and set this to a page.
Also you can directly access the required property directly from the data page through setting the source as 'D_DatapageName[ParameterRequired:.ParameterPassing].pxResults(<CURRENT>).PropertyRef'
Divya Aluri

Forvandle IT Solutions
1) First you have to define that data page and DataPage class in pages and classes Tab.
2) Take "Set" Action, give target property and use source as the following syntax.
D_CustomerDetails is my DataPage.
ContactNumber is required parameter for the DataPage.
Param.CN is the value of ContactNumber.
I am getting FirstName Value by passing ContactNumber to the DataPage.
Ananya Anshudhar ROHIT SHAW Mohd Qizer Sugandha Sharma Satish Battula and 3 More