
Celfocus - Soluções Informáticas Para Telecomunicações SA
Last activity: 19 Feb 2019 11:28 EST
How to get all the elements of a page list in data transform?
I need to get all the elements of a page list using a data transform.
I'm getting the data from a SOAP connector, please find below the example of the xml with the field that I need to map:
<ns0:CharacteristicsValue characteristicName="Model" xmlns:ns0=".../schema/common/v1">
<ns0:CharacteristicsValue characteristicName="Hidden" xmlns:ns0=".../schema/common/v1">
<ns0:CharacteristicsValue characteristicName="AttributeName" xmlns:ns0=".../schema/common/v1">
How can I get these elements using a data transform?
Thank you.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****