Getting No flow action chosen error during system scan for Hotfix catalog upload in PEGA 8.5.4 V
Hai Team,
We were trying to commit All uncommitted Hotfixes in PEGA 8.5.4 V.
Before we Commit All Hotfixes, we are uploading CATALOG.ZIP file manually via Hotfix manager page. But we are getting NO FLOW ACTION CHOSEN error and sometimes we are getting io.undertow.server.RequestTooBigException: UT000020: Connection terminated as request was larger than 10485760 error (even we tried after increasing heap size to 20MB from 10MB but no luck).
When we try to upload catalog via check online option it's throwing CatalogLastRefreshDate: Please upload a catalog before proceeding error
Kindly help us on the above issue, thanks for any help.
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