
BlueRose Technologies
Last activity: 26 Feb 2019 4:41 EST
Generate DDL step is not showing up while importing the product rule.
Hi All,
I've added a new column to an existing application DB table and included its corresponding DB table instance in the product rule.
While importing the zip file in the higher environment, I don't see the "Generate DDL" step in the import wizard. The operator who is importing the zip file has the below privileges via "PegaRULES:SysAdm4" ARN and the target environment's pxProcess.pzProductionLevel is set to '3'.
Also, the DSS "database/AutoDBSchemaChanges" is set to 'true'.
I am using the Pega v7.3.0.
Any idea what is that I am missing here? Thanks in advance.
Giridhar Metikal