Functions No Longer Compile After Moving from Pega 7.1.9 to 8.4.2 in New OpenShift environment
We migrated our Pega application to a new Openshift environment. The old environment was using WAS as the app server and the java version was 1.8 and the vendor was IBM. The new Openshift environment's JVM is AdoptOpenShift 11.0.8.
The functions are referencing java classes that we imported via jars using Pega's import functionality through Application > Distribution > Import.
We shutdown the environment and cleared the caches and brought back the environment. However, we are getting the following errors when we try to compile the library or the functions:
We migrated our Pega application to a new Openshift environment. The old environment was using WAS as the app server and the java version was 1.8 and the vendor was IBM. The new Openshift environment's JVM is AdoptOpenShift 11.0.8.
The functions are referencing java classes that we imported via jars using Pega's import functionality through Application > Distribution > Import.
We shutdown the environment and cleared the caches and brought back the environment. However, we are getting the following errors when we try to compile the library or the functions:
Error(s) detected while generating java. Compiler reported: Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM ---------- 1. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/ (at line 119) com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm algorithm = com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm.HMAC256(client_secret); ^^^^^^^^^ com.auth0 cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 2. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/ (at line 119) com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm algorithm = com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm.HMAC256(client_secret); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 3. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/ (at line 120) token = com.auth0.jwt.JWT.create().withSubject(identity).withIssuer(clientId).withIssuedAt(issuedAt).withExpiresAt(expiresAt).withAudience(audience).withClaim("isAnonymous", true).sign(algorithm); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ com.auth0.jwt.JWT cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 3 problems (3 errors)
I have only come across these types of errors in my experience when the classpath is not set correctly. But since we are importing these jars into the database, I thought there would be no need to set the classpath in Pega?
The first error regarding annotation processing is something I have not seen before. That's why I included information about the JVMs.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****