Ernst & Young GDS Consulting
Last activity: 8 Sep 2016 15:33 EDT
Focus is not getting set to open work item rather it is staying on the current window(PEGA OOTB is not working after changing Panel Set to Screen layout)
Hi All,
We are facing some issue in an upgrade project. The uprdage is from 5.5 to 7.2. While upgrading in the protal ,we have modified the harness with screen layout replacing the panel set.But screen layout is not giving some of the basic functionality which panel set gives. One of the major issue as follows:
"The main window is an accordion which has -->1. Dashboard 2. Process work 3. Monitor activity 4. Maintence. Now user is in the Monitar activity and from there user opening a report which open up in a modal window. Now if the user click on any work item, it is opening in another tab in the process work work space. But the problem is that the focus do not change to process work rather it is stayingin the current window i.e in the Monitar activity in this case. User has to manually moved to the process work tab rather than automatic focus to see the work item. We have used the screen layout in place panel set and the OOTB feature is not working.Refer the screen shots ".
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