Posted: Nov 3, 2015
Last activity: Nov 3, 2015
Last activity: 3 Nov 2015 17:34 EST
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I have tried in 6.2 & 7.1.9 & it worked in both.
OOTB ProcessAction activity validates different conditions before it sets the message. Verify which is failing & why.
Rajani Kanth Anupoju Yes i have implememted similar thing in 6.3 but in terms of PEGA 7.1.7 i am not able to launch the local action and while rendering the section it display the error message like Flow action is not a local action.If i updated that flow action as Local Action type then no issues.
As per functionality wise what ever the flow actions created as Local & Connector type can be usable as processing the work item as well as updating the work item.
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