
Texas Commission On Environmental Quality
Last activity: 25 Jul 2018 16:52 EDT
Filtering and Categorization on same column in Repeating Grid - Pega 7.1.8
Is it possible to apply filter on column which is already marked as "categorized column"? I am categorizing all the records in my repeating grid by "Main group" column as I have marked this column as "categorized column". Is it possible to apply Filter on "Main Group" column ? If not that is there any alternate way to achieve this functionality?
Question: Is it also possible to add Expand/Collapse functionality on "Main Group" column so that all records under each main group can be collapsed and Expanded. Please note that "Main Group" column value is a part of each row and not a parent record.
Edit on July 18th, 2018 : This issue can be closed. The requirement has been changed.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to close comments per author's request***