
Texas Commission On Environmental Quality
Last activity: 21 Dec 2018 14:17 EST
Declare expression not firing on Repeating Grid (Always editable mode) Pega 7.1.8
My requirement is to implement validation on change functionality of text input of Repeating Grid. The repeating grid I have fetches data from database and displays it on user editable repeating grid. My goal is to execute a declare expression which sums up the values in 3 textinput boxes and populate the resulting value into 4th textinput box. The 4th textinput already has value in it which is being fetched from database. I have to override it with the user input. The problem is that I have declare expression already defined on the resulting column which is not being fired. I have been through couple of posts which suggests that it is not possible to achieve in such cases where we are trying to override it with the value present in database. I will attach screenshots for reference. If anything does not work out, I will have to raise a support request.
Points to consider:
1) I have On Change - Post value defined on all textinput fields.
2) I have Enabled expression calculation on Flow Action.
3) Properties are referring to correct class.
Kindly let me know if you need additional information. Thanks in advance for your help
Arpan Parikh
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