Last activity: 25 Mar 2016 19:30 EDT
Facing error while running runExtract activity in Pega BIX
Pega PRPC : 7.1.6, Pega-BIX: 07-10-13
We have created an extract as a part of a BIX application as a part of a POC. We ran the activity "runExtract" from the BX rulesets providing the necessary arguments. There was no error on the tracer and the tables that are supposed to be loaded with data from BIX also were not loaded. Instead we see an error as attached. This is a "DatabaseSchema" extract.
Per the error message, We are assuming there was a case open/open and we have to close/open it before running the extract, but we have no cases open. We have closed all the cases before running the extract.
Can you please let us know what could have gone wrong.