Commonwealth bank of Australia
Last activity: 18 Mar 2024 7:26 EDT
External trained predictive model behavior
We have created predictive model out of externally trained model(through pmml file), came across couple of questions on predictive model behavior
Configured the predictive model in strategy,
1. Observed that propensity is getting varied even for the same set of predictor values(unit tested predictor propensity, preview propensity value from strategy. is this expected behavior? could you pls explain little here?
2. there are no monitor data after data passes through this predictive model. Do we have to configure anything to display the data in Monitor Tab,or its expected that it will not display the monitor data for externally trained models. Pls advise.
3. This question is slightly bit out of Pega, the external model is getting trained in data bricks side and data science team claims that they can provide pmml file per model. we have 80+ models that should get trained as part of our business process and that has to produce propensities in Pega
[if you could answer]Is there anyway that data bricks team can accommodate all models in single PMML file (they use pyspark to train model) , as we cant import 80+ models in strategy and conditionally execute ?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add case INC-B7617 tags***