
Last activity: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT
Expression in Report Definition
How can I write below expression in report definition column source?
@(Pega-RULES:DateTime).FormatDateTime(@(Pega-RULES:DateTime).CurrentDateTime(), "MMMMM", "", "")
My use case is to populate Month Name like Jab, Feb -- - Dec from PXcreateDateTime property.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
In the Date Time format, use custom and set MMMMM as format, you will get month name in report.
If you want to get the month name like Jan, Feb. then use MMM as a format.
Please find the below screenshot for more details.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you trying to format the DateTime? If yes you can use the Format option for the report column.
Click on the gear icon and select the Data Time as Column Format, then click on the search icon to select the required format.
Please find the below screenshot for more details.
Bhargav Putumbaka

I need only month name to get displayed on the column source
Accepted Solution
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
In the Date Time format, use custom and set MMMMM as format, you will get month name in report.
If you want to get the month name like Jan, Feb. then use MMM as a format.
Please find the below screenshot for more details.
Bhargav Putumbaka

IQZ Systems
You can not write the expression in the Report column.
The above expression is giving you current month. What is the use case for this to have it in a report?

Hi Yathender,
I have some coloumns in report definition like work object id, and createdatetime.
I want only month name to populate in pxcreatecreatedatetime as a column source

IQZ Systems
There is function The month number of [Date Value] which will give you the number between 1 and 12.
Bhargav Putumbaka

oh Sorry, I forgot to mention, I need month name like Jan, Feb in the column source