Pascal Dietvorst ICT BV
Last activity: 5 Apr 2024 8:25 EDT
Executing a function statement from a string property
Hey all,
I am looking for a way to resolve a function statement found in a string property to it's value. So for example, when reading a string property from a Pega rule this string might be "@PropertyHasValue(.PropertyName)". What function will resolve this string to it's True/False outcome?
A little bit of background info may help clarify this: I'm developing a mechanism that logs all input parameters and their values when executing a decision table. To achieve this I read the Decision Table rule which holds the parameter definitions in page list pyColumns. Each column has the label in pyPropertyLabel and the definition for the value in pyProperty. Now when pyProperty just holds a property reference I can resolve this to its value by using function @pxGetProperty(Primary, .pyProperty, true). In some cases however pyProperty does not hold a simple property reference, but a function like for instance "@PropertyHasValue(...)". So in this case I need a different Pega function to resolve it to its run time value.
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
Kind regards, Pascal