Errors during Migration from UDF Enabled to UDF Disabled Environment
We are trying to migrate just the DATA schema from a system which had UDF enabled during installation, to a system which has UDF disabled (bypass.udf.generation set to true during base PegaRules install). We are seeing some JAVA_CLASS related errors during Datapump Import on Oracle. Can you please let us know if they are safe to ignore?
Example Error:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 33:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Failing sql is:
DECLARE STATUS NUMBER; BEGIN STATUS := DBMS_JAVA.START_IMPORT('com/pega/pegarules/data/internal/clipboard/directstream/InflaterV7', 0,29,0,4,3712,1); IF STATUS !=0 THEN IF STATUS > 0 THEN STATUS := -STATUS; END IF; execute immediate 'declare an exception; pragma exce
ORA-39083: Object type JAVA_CLASS failed to create with error: